Wednesday, October 24, 2007

New Orders On The Turntable

Conrad Black
Bold man
born....some time ago in montreal

Now I am sure you all know the deal with him and his crimes and so on and so forth.

HOWEVER. Black was recently found guilty of 3 counts of fraud and one count of obsruction of justice.

Now, even for a powerful man like Conrad these 4 charges could do some serious damage to him. Currently Mr. Black is sitting in palm beach waiting for sentencing while his lawyers work around the clock.
to find a loop hole thats why.

They now have something to work with. Black's lawyers and Black himself have been speaking to the press saying that the evidence displayed on the trial was more in favour of his innocence.
So the only way for him to get off the hook here is a new trial.
how does he get that?
he cheats the system.

This evening on CBC newsworld two stout middle aged women who happend to be sitting on the jury in Black's trial spoke of the events in the courtroom.

As I assume you all know. Speaking publicaly of courtroom events witnessed as a member of the jury is restricted. Yet it happend anyway.
And what is the most common result of this action?
The guilty party demands and almost always gets.
A new god damn trial.

Call me crazy but think of it this way
-conrad lost
-he doesnt want to get screwed
-therefore he wants a new trial
-best way to get a new trial?
-on a technicality
-two women go on tv and speak of trial
-Black now demands a new trial

I smell a big steaming bowl of bribary. Do remember however, that I am insane and question everything, making this idea probably completely nuts.
But if I am right
My god Conrad
you are a bigger crook than Nixon.

In my mind the cruelest punishment for Black would be to stick him in a government housing unit alone and force him to work as a garbage man. It would crush him in days.

and now I take my leave. My thumb hurts, I cut it at work. I work at giant tiger now. Isn't that bizzare.

here's to the squandering of money and the fat old men that do it so so well.

*guitar solo*


1 comment:

MTOD said...

woah you work at GT? grocery?