Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Rear View Mirror Diaries

No matter how hard I seem to try I always end up leaving oversized gaps between my posts. My last one was November the 8th I believe. Some sort of political rave and or rant. Nothing new or exciting for that matter. I have a new job, which is sucking more life out of me than Rundles did, which is almost unthinkable..un-thinkable....un does that go?. oh well. However, I am rolling in the Benjamins as it were. Or perhaps more accurately the MacDonalds and or the Elizabeth the seconds. On the down side I have nothing to spend it on which is in turn forcing me to save it.
Save it for what?
for new years thats what

Christmas will be here shortly and gone just as fast
New years is going to be an extra large event for me
because chances are it will be my only real time off. I am thinking a good old fashioned 3 day bender....Care to join me Blake? Liam?

I realize this makes me sound like an alchoholic or immature or an immature alchoholic, but seriously. I really need this.

And now to my next point
Hot chicks with douchebags
Is to be read in a none literal sense. Basically this website is devoted to pictures of wonderful attractive women who are in relationships with various long curly locks, washboard abs, fast car, camo short wearing asshats.
In a perfect world there would not only be websites dedicated to "hot chicks" with everything from snowmen to starfish and all that is in between. but there would also be websites dedicated to "douchebags" with everything. Douchebags with guitars, Douchebags with beer, Douchebags with animals, Douchebags with other Douchebags.
For all I know there could be sites like these already. If there are I salute who ever created them. Think about it. The best of both worlds. Attractive women that men find appealing. And various douchebags that we would all like to throw from a moving train.

Cheers to douchebags
for making the rest of us seem a little bit cooler

*guitar solo*
